At the market we stock a wide variety of fresh, local produce. Much of it is grown on the farm and what is not grown ourselves is sourced from our neighbours. We only stock fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables, we take great pride in offering the best of Niagara's harvest.
Canned goods are made throughout the season as well, always made in small batches with real ingredients, ingredients you can actually pronounce. Jams, jellies, sauces, pickles fill the shelves during the peak of harvest. Entering into the Fall season our shelves will have a fresh supply of canned peaches and pears. Local honey and maple products from our friends are also available.
The bakery is where we make our pies and tarts, all from scratch, all that morning, all by hand, all loaded with the most flavourful, local fruit available. Most of the time, the person handing you the pie is the same one that had made it earlier.